As we prepare for the launch of The Art and Science of Transformation, I revisit the photos of our shoot with Stef Hanson (if you are looking for a one of a kind, phenomenal creative director / videographer / photographer her details are below).
The image shown is me, Hayley Dickinson. The lady who has spent her life hiding behind labels, roles and identities. In this moment, I am trying to hide from the camera - something else I've done for as long as I can remember. Alone, I feel small, insignificant, awkward, clumsy, inadequate.
Let me set the scene for you, we wrap up an epic day of filming course content, then as we are losing daylight, we have a rapid fire photo shoot. The subjects are me, and Claire Uhlich, one of the most beautiful women to walk to planet. It is comical, Claire poses snap, glamour captured, moving on. Hayley poses, she is stiff, self-conscious, awkward laughing, snap, snap, snap, gentle instruction, snap, snap, snap - ok Doc, that'll do! But together, it is a different story, Claire gently guides me, her presence calms me and we manage some absolute cracking shots together.
So here is the magic, as I reflect on this day and see the joy in my face as I attempt to hide.....I absolutely love everything about this! This is who we are right now and god it's beautiful. It is a reflection of the lives we have lived, the experiences we have had, the work we have done and the place we found ourselves in this moment. I am in love with this awkward version of myself - she is deep in the process of shedding the labels, roles and titles and finding her true self. It's scary as all get up, but it's real and it's happening and I don't want to stop.
And here is my latest lesson, I need to work with people like Claire and Stef, the ones who see me for all of my awkward and embrace me because of these traits. I'm done with the solo act, I am not here to shine my own light, I am here to work with others and discover the magic we can create together.
Love H
Stef Hanson