Biofield Tuning, The Life Boat, and the Birth of My 10 Fundamentals
This past weekend, I had my biofield tuned. For those who haven't heard of it, biofield tuning is a practice that works with the electromagnetic field around the body—it's fascinating, deep, and often brings up unexpected insights. And boy, did it ever.
During the session, an image kept coming up, an analogy that was so clear and vivid that it's really stuck with me. It was of me, sitting comfortably in my life boat, floating on a calm sea. It wasn't just any life boat; it was beautiful, fully inflated, decorated with fairy lights—really a boat you’d want to be in. I was relaxed, enjoying life, truly at peace. My life boat was just as I wanted it—safe, secure, and filled with light.
But then, Sarah (my biofield tuner) and I started talking about how I could serve others, about the times when people ask me for advice. As soon as the conversation shifted in that direction, my life boat changed. It became crowded—others were grabbing onto it, trying to climb in. Suddenly, water started coming in, and I found myself paddling like mad, desperate to keep my boat from sinking. There was this palpable sense of panic—anxiety that I know all too well from past experiences.
This moment of seeing my once-peaceful boat turn into chaos was a reminder of a pattern I’ve faced many times. I want to be of service to others. I want to share what I know, to help where I can. But I also know how easy it is to lose myself in that process—to become so caught up in work that I forget about my own needs. My boat, once so beautifully afloat, risks sinking under the weight of other people, their expectations, but only because of my lack of clear boundaries.
So, Sarah and I started exploring. How could I be of service to others, but do it on my own terms, without letting anyone sink my boat? And then, this idea dropped in, almost like a whisper: “Here’s my ebook with all the frequently asked questions—it’s $14.99.” We both laughed at how matter-of-fact it was, but it struck a chord with me. There’s truth in the simplicity of it. It’s a way for me to share what I know, but in a way that keeps my life boat intact.
You see, I’ve always struggled with the idea of being “the expert.” After years of academic training, I felt this deep responsibility to use my knowledge to help others, to “serve” in a very direct way. But the truth is, much of what I learned back then doesn’t align with who I am now or with how I see true wellness. The tension between “Dr Hayley” and who I’ve become has been hard to reconcile.
And that’s when it hit me—what if I shared the fundamentals that keep my life boat afloat? What if I put together the things that I return to every time the boat starts to get shaky, the essentials that bring me back to alignment? What if I put my own “tenets of life boat optimisation” out there, to see if they hold up across other boats?
And that’s exactly what I’ve done. I’ve created a guide to my 10 fundamentals—the simple, practical steps that I use to keep myself afloat. They aren’t groundbreaking or trendy. They’re not the latest supplement or wellness hack. They’re the basics that I come back to every time I feel off. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll help you keep your boat afloat too.
I’m not here to be the expert. I’m here to share what works for me, in the hope that it might resonate with you. The fundamentals of keeping a boat afloat are universal—air, balance, and a little bit of care. I hope you find them helpful.
So, here’s to keeping our boats afloat—each in our own way, at our own pace, and on our own terms.
Love Hayley