Summer Lovin' Finger Lime + Coconut Balls
The Eat for You Summer Lovin’ finger lime + coconut recipe is a flavour combo that sends you straight to the tropics.
Think summer days spent at the beach. Sandy feet, big straw hats. Drinks with little umbrellas and the warmth of sunshine on your back. Dare we add a hammock, too? ‘Summer lovin’ is your little pocket of tropical paradise, no matter where you are. Zingy and light, with the best chew you could wish for, this little coconut and finger lime treat will have you closing your eyes and dreaming of a tropical paradise in no time.
90g dried dates
50g almond butter
70g cashews
15g coconut butter
27g desiccated coconut
25g pumpkin seeds
3 drops pure food grade lime essential oil
4g powdered freeze dried finger lime OR the zest of half a lime
Blitz all ingredients in a food processor until the mixture starts to come together. Turn the food processor off and scrape the mixture down from the sides. Blitz again until you reach your desired consistency (smooth/chunky).
Roll into balls and, if desired, coat in a mixture of chia seeds, desiccated coconut, and flax seeds for crunch and an extra nutrient boost.